Worldwide Musical
Concert by 2023

MuziQ Global Concert brings together the community of experts, creators and producers who compose the good and quality music we all love to hear. This year, we hope to expand our broadcast by streaming on multiple platforms.

For more details, please contact

MuziQ Logo

The logo of MuziQ 2023 was decided by the invited conference speakers for the said conference. After a casual hangout they held in Paris, France, The decided to use the name of the conference as the logo, with multiple colors clipped into the logo text. The idea is to assert that quality music isn't based on a specific race or group of people.


Past Concerts

Take a look at the last two music concerst which took place in Paris, France, and in Las Vegas, USA.

2022 MuziQ Concert 2020 in Accra Ghana

2021 MuziQ Concert 2021 in Las Vegas


fender company logo
dw company logo
ibanez company logo
pearl company logo
yahama company logo